Recipe For Love

Spice things up this Valentine’s Day with head chef Fitzy’s recipe for one of the stunning entree dishes from our Valentine’s menu: BBQ scampi with young coconut, avocado and chilli vinegar (GF,DF)

  1. Grab a glass of vino

  2. Get yourself two wild caught sashimi grade scampis, butterfly them and clean them

  3. Marinate them for 30 mins to an hour in garlic, ginger and fresh lime leaf

  4. In the meantime, take one large ripe avocado, de seed and dice finely, squeeze fresh lime over the top

  5. Take one young coconut, scrape out the coconut heart and shred into fine ribbons

  6. Gently mix the coconut ribbons and finely diced avocado together with a dash of white soy and place it on your plate

  7. To make the chilli vinegar dressing, mix together 20ml of mid heat chilli oil and 50ml of pickling liquid (one part white vinegar and one part sugar, you can make this using 100ml of white vinegar and 100g of sugar and save the rest for another time)

  8. BBQ the scampi on a grill for two minutes each side, place on top of the avocado and coconut mix

  9. Drizzle with chilli vinegar dressing

  10. Top up your vino and let the romance begin

Don’t feel like cooking? Book a table at Green Moustache here




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